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Old 06-07-2013, 16:37   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Scratch Cards, I'm Sure I've Mentioned it.

Well over a year ago, I'm sure I mentioned a young lady that sold me a scratch card at the local Supermarket, it was a winner, I had won the grand total of £2.00 took the ticket to the counter and got a telling off for not scrathing off to reveal the code.
I explained to her at the time that so far as I'm concerned if it says winner and shows me the amount I've won surely she needs confirmation not me, so my dear, you scratch off the confirmation not me, (lets face it the machine won't pay out until the bar codes read anyway).

Today despite many times when I didn't win, (on those days I didn't uncover the security code, she didn't complain), I presented a winning ticket, again she started the lecture.

I stopped her dead, you've told me this before lets not go through it again, I uncovered a winner what you have to do to pay me out, I don't care.

She countered with in some places if you don't uncover the security you won't be paid out, my reply was, well when that happens here I'll use somewhere else, she uncovered the security. I will continue hoping to uncover winners until I have to be nagged at, it's not me that needs the security code, I bought the card on trust, that on revealing a win I WILL be paid, no way do I need the security code!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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