Thread: Fracking
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Old 03-08-2013, 11:08   #1
Stuart Hartley
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Dear Ossy Folk

Should the people of Ossy be concerned about 'fracking' in any adjacent area that reaches even the boundaries of our town? This was once a mining town and we live above old coal mining tunnels and shafts and subsidence is not uncommon - the lintel over my front door is fractured due to subsidence, although the surveyor reassures me it is safe.

I include below part of a GREENPEACE email that includes a draft letter for posting to one's local Councillors (enter postcode). If this concerns you at all please forward a copy of the letter to your Councillors, perhaps a copy to our MP Graham Jones.
Fracking - or hydraulic fracturing - is a destructive and dirty process using a mixture of water and chemicals to blast rocks and release trapped gas and oil. Not only have these chemicals been linked to water contamination, but burning more gas pumps more carbon pollution into the air which warms the planet further, melting the Arctic faster and destabilising our weather systems even more.
Very soon, we could all be well and truly fracked.
As you read this, people in Sussex are blockading a proposed fracking site near the village of Balcombe, trying to stop drilling equipment from entering.

Balcombe is the fracking frontline and what’s happening there could soon be happening in your area. Email your local councillors and tell them you don’t want fracking near you.

Big energy companies are lining up to start fracking operations throughout the UK and there are a huge number of proposed sites. Already, 64% of England is under consideration for fracking so they could soon be coming to a field near you.

But you can stop the fracking before it starts. Local councils have to give planning permission before drilling can begin and are obliged to take your views into account. So tell your councillors that your area is off-limits to fracking.

Last edited by Stuart Hartley; 03-08-2013 at 11:12.
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