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Old 15-08-2013, 08:35   #23
Wynonie Harris
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Re: is this right ? "The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
there are socialists who don't want to be in Europe ,same as tories or any other party. don't forget Maggie and john major started the descend as we know it by signing the Maastricht treaty and implementing it. as for immigration and economic migrants ,the british have been doing the same for centuries . the tories are coming out with there is less coming in, what they really mean there is less being counted as they sacked the staff who did the counting remember some tories wanted the euro as well. some labour wanted it some didn't like Gordon brown the Schengen Implementation Convention of 1990 , started the immigration and free movement and who was in power ye the tories
Once again you reduce the argument to a garbled, semi-comprehensible party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party. You talk about "debate" but you don't seem to be capable of debate in any meaningful sense of the word.

Yes there are socialists who are Euro-sceptic, the most prominent being Tony Benn but they're the exception to the rule. The vast majority of left wingers inside and outside the Labour party are pro-EU. The Euro-sceptic element in Parliament comes from the right wing of the Tory party, most of whom would be despised on here for their political views.
As for immigration, I wasn't making any comment on whether immigration is a good or bad thing. I was merely pointing out that most socialists are pro-immigration and the more leftwards you go the more pro they become. So there's a basic contradiction on Accyweb from those who want a return to a real socialist Labour government but who adopt an "Enoch was right" attitude on immigration and I was wondering how they squared that contradiction (apart from Accyman's idea of blowing the lot up and starting all over again!).
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