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Old 28-08-2013, 07:09   #1
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Where does the money come from.

Just been working out how much money I have got coming in against my outgoings. I'd doesn't work out. I have no other sorce of income so I shall just have to cut back. Something's will have to be put off until I can afford it. Now then. I have read that the police have no money left in the pot, so some area,s will not be policed during the processions on Poppy Day for our Hero,s who are or have been in the forces etc. in recent years there has been a lot of verbal abuse dished out to our hero,s on rememberence day by members of the Islamist faith and the police just stood there and did nothing because it could have been against the Muslims human rights to apprehend them. This may be a good idea because we could use serving members of the armed forces to monitor the remembrance parades etc. lets see some Muslim clown shout about killing our soldiers to a bunch of 1,2 or 3 Para. It wouldn't last two mins. Back to the subject. Where does the money come from. If there is no money for policing a British tradition, where did the three million plus pounds come from for the police to monitor, beat in and drag hippies about during the Fracking problem. Or is it a little bit like when the millions were made available for the police during the miners last dispute. Unlimited funds were made available. Where does the money come from if there isn't any left in the pot. Just asking.
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