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Old 12-10-2013, 20:13   #166
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Re: Post Office Sell Off - Welcome To Tory Britain

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
And c'mon, you didn't bother to answer my question...again.
I'll answer your question if I may...what would I replace it with?

There are staple industries that should be held by the people. The government, elected by the people, should then employ competent people to run these industries. These competent people should be rewarded handsomely for success and fired for failure, as should the individual government ministers if they employed numpties.

It's common sense not rocket science.

I would list power, communication, health and public transport as the major staple industries.

Instead we have a growing foreign ownership of our infrastructure, who increase prices for no reason other than to line their pockets, who take our money out of the country and put next to nothing back as investment, which is typified by the possibility of blackouts this winter and poor rolling stock. I'd rather pay a 30% tax rate to keep these industries for the people than see one person die because they couldn't afford to heat their home or get an ambulance in time or didn't get their next chemotherapy appointment because they live on an unprofitable postal route.

Then again, I guess I'm labelled as a socialist, I believe the 'haves and healthy' should help the genuine 'have nots and sick'.

It is the failure of successive governments, both Labour and Tory (no distinction because recent leaders have been career politicians who are in it for fame and fortune, not to serve) , for employing absolute incompetent muppets, who then ran these industries into the ground, and the lack of accountability of government officials and associated civil servants for giving high level employees golden handshakes for being crap at their jobs that caused these staple industries to lose wasn't our fault, it wasn't the workers in these industries fault...and now they are selling off another staple industry because it makes a loss...wonder who caused it to make a loss...because it sure as hell wasn't the guy who delivers my junk mail every day.
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