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Old 19-11-2013, 14:21   #7
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Terrible news, another cyclist killed on the road.

As sad as it is whenever anyone dies, Lycra is not much of a defence against a lump of metal.

When I was an 8 year old child I wasn't allowed on the road without the bike being well maintained and by law I had to have some audible way of informing others that I was approaching, simply, a bell.
If I was without lights on my machine once it got dusk it was a case of dismount and walk home.
Even at that age if I dared to ride on the pavement, I could expect to be in trouble.
The high way code for cyclists had to be adhered to without exception.
Why? Because back then the Police applied the law and weren't forced to ignore 'minor' offences just because of paper work.

Anyone using a bike should follow the rules, they should also have to pass a test these days AND should not be allowed on the road without insurance.

A cyclist these days is more dangerous to predict than anyone on a horse or guiding an animal.
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