Thread: That's HOT
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Old 02-02-2014, 19:03   #98
Senior Member

Re: That's HOT

Hi Gordon - re being weather-obsessed.

Just stating the facts as they are, personally I don't let it worry me, even though I have done a few postings on the subject on this thread which might make you think otherwise I really am not obsessed with it. Have to say though it does seem to be the topic of conversation with a lot of people, and certainly not helped by the media who keep pushing it at us just how hot it is - or is going to be.

Have learnt to get on with it and over it, no option really, but of course we have also learnt to be sensible in extremes. Especially now that we're old and somewhat decrepit. (Well he is at any rate - I'm just old). It's not for more than a few weeks anyway, if that even.

We do have some air-conditioning and a fan or two at our house, but in our case we don't have air-con throughout the place and we manage very well. Certainly don't spend my time sitting in front of the cool air, and things that have to be done are done as normal. Didn't used to have anything in the form of cooling and we coped very well.

When him indoors was a working man and (irrespective of what the experts keep telling us) it WAS as hot then, he worked out in the open in the heat, stripped to the waist - got lovely and brown, this was before people realised that sometimes the sun and getting a tan wasn't always as healthy as we had thought.

Shopping centres ARE air-conditioned and quite a number of people spend hours there because of it. As I dislike shopping intensely - and as I have too many things to do rather than waste my time wandering around such places - I'm not one of them.

We do have some lovely days's worth the discomfort of a few of them.
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