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Old 03-02-2014, 20:58   #6331
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
I think I sort of understand, I wasn't having a dig at you doing it, more what would happen if I did it. So if its open and you can walk in unchallenged and provided you leave when asked to, you are not committing an offence.
Firstly I'm sorry if you found my replie defensive,it wasn't my intention.
Now,As far as I'm aware trespass only becomes a criminal offence if it is aggravated trespass,
which was brought in under
Aggravated trespass takes place when the trespasser trespasses to disrupt or attempt to disrupt any lawful activity taking place on that property or adjoining property.

It is against the law to trespass on any land , river,lake as well as any building.
Ignorance of that fact is no defence under this law.
(Touch wood) I've never really had a run in with the law,although I've read a few posts off folk that have.I don't think it's in the public interest to persue a case for someone taking pics of a building,especially if your a butterfly enthusiast and you saw a rare one fly in,You couldn't miss the chance to snap that pic
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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