Thread: Burn baby
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Old 26-03-2014, 11:38   #51
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Burn baby

Originally Posted by Less View Post
You know nothing about this site do you?

Mick and I have been drinking buddies for many a year and hopefully will continue to raise glasses for years to come.

Got to admit I'm suffering just a little '****edoffitus', so here's a bit of site history for you, dthep and anyone else that thinks they are hard done by.

5 or 6 years ago, the site was troubled by people like you, the owner told us he was planning to shut the site down because he didn't think it worth keeping open for the ungrateful returns from putting his own money into the site.

Mick and I worked hard to talk him out of it, he thought about it then decided with a couple of conditions:-

1/ Administrative control would be passed on to Mick.
2/ I was to use what ever talents I had to quash anyone considered a threat to the site.
3/ If either of us left he would close the site down.
4/ If either of us mentioned this on site, he would close the site down.

This isn't because I or Mick are part of a clique, it is because of Mick's proven loyalty to the site and I am his relative and he wants to keep an eye on the site by the family.

Well, now the secret is out, I hope what Roy said all those years ago, was an idle threat, if it isn't well tough on all of you rotten apples, I know there have been many times both I and Mick wanted to throw in the towel but carried on for the sake of the many friends we've made on here, not for the sake of idiots like you two.

We will just have to wait and see what Roy's reaction will be, personally,

to paraphrase Rhett Butler, Frankly my dears I no longer give a damn.'

Are you two and the many others that we have weedled off the site proud of yourselves?
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