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Old 19-06-2014, 16:02   #67
Wynonie Harris
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Re: All The Best To You Graham

"Why must everything which moves with the times be looked on with such great disdain?" "Everything" isn't, Ken, but when changes are made for the worse, then folk are understandably critical.

We once had a thriving outdoor market; it was a unique structure which is actually mentioned in books on Modernist architecture but far, far more important, it worked, attracting shoppers from far and wide and creating a thriving retail environment. After forty-odd years, it was understandably a little "tired", but all it needed was some renovation. Instead, the council demolished it and built a pathetic, Mickey Mouse travesty of an outdoor market which struggles to attract customers in anywhere near the numbers of the old market.

Similarly, the venerable old Market Hall - the jewel in Accrington's crown - was hugely popular with shoppers, and simply needed some renovation work. Instead, the council ripped the heart out of it and made it an empty, echoing travesty of its former busy, bustling self.

However, the past can't be undone and we just have to live with consequences of these changes. What amazes me is that you and your fellow councillors seem incapable of learning from past mistakes and are hellbent on inflicting the lunacy of the new bus station on the town. I have yet to come across anyone outside the cozy confines of the council chamber, either resident or trader, who thinks this is a good idea. As Margaret has said, building the bus station so far from the town centre simply makes it easier for people to change buses and go shopping in another town. The sad thing is, maybe it's my imagination, maybe it's wishful thinking, but on my last three visits to the town, I've detected the first, fragile, green shoots of recovery - a few more people around and not as many impolite requests for dosh and ciggies! And, strangely, Ken, I understand why you like shopping in Accy with its quirky little shops on Warner Street, independent coffee houses and elegant Victorian buildings which have long been demolished in other towns. All this will be killed stone dead by this unwanted bus station.

So, instead of having a go at ordinary members of the public on here, I suggest you and the rest of the council direct your venom towards Lancs County Council to dissuade them from this madcap scheme!
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