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Old 21-08-2014, 12:22   #282
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: All The Best To You Graham

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
For a start this Country needs to start treating everyone here equal. No special help for non nationals. Only English written and spoken in official documents, Government buildings, hospitals etc. If you need an interpreter you bring one (That includes all Welsh road signs taking down - just stupid that).

This is still basically a Christian Country and our society is set around that with holidays etc, no extra time off for other faith school kids, they choose to live here so they follow our holidays - Why should my kids not be allowed extra days off school but a family down the street can?

Anyone speaking out in a violent or incite full way against this Country should be dealt with appropriately. Any organisations, groups, clubs, gangs etc where it happens should be dealt with not ignored. We keep hearing about young people radicalised in schools and religious buildings and it must be dealt with.

Sharia law has nothing to do with this country and should be made illegal, anyone following it or punishing people under it should be locked up.

Stupid things like you can't enter a bank or petrol station in a crash helmet should be changes to with your face covered.

Dump the EU court deciding what we can do in our own Country!

I do think organisations like IS needs stopping now, not a few air strikes doing nothing but boots on the ground total destruction. When you look at rules of engagement in some of the recent conflicts they were stupid. How can we pretend to be civilized when the west is sitting and watching people being killed for not agreeing to someone else's religion? This isn't the middle ages. Killing the oppressors might be barbaric but unfortunately there is no other way to stop people who believe it's an honour to die for your country/cause - it took 2 nukes to make the Japanese realise if they didn't surrender they would suffer total annihilation and they also believed in no surrender and death is honourable.

I could go on but I will probably already be accused of being racist by the do gooder liberal types that have caused all this to be a problem in this country.
So I am NOT alone in my views. Neil I applaud you for this is what I would have answered.
We have, for far too long let tolerance become almost apathy. We have let incomers walk all over us and laugh at our tolerance.....our 'let them get on with it - we mustn't interfere' stance.

I do not 'get' why anyone would migrate to a country whose culture is alien/disgusting to them.
We cannot allow migrants to dictate the rules.
If migrants do not like it here, then they are free to leave and go where the culture suits their core values.

More of us should be saying this, but we have become enslaved by political correctness....and those who would slap the label 'racist' on us.

But it is acceptable for young men of the Muslim faith who were probably born and brought up here, to go and join a terrorist organisation with barbaric views which masquerade as religious tenets.
It is alright for them to foist fascist ideals on other tribes.....and we are not supposed to notice, let alone comment.

Why is there no outpouring of scorn from Muslim communities?
They say that the actions of IS do not follow the values of ordinary Muslims.....yet I see no real dissent...only what seems to be lip service.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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