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Old 18-12-2014, 18:39   #24
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Coppice gates cordoned off

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
On a more serious note: Evidently, a young woman was assaulted on the Coppice. Sadly, the majority of such crimes go unreported; and this is partly the fault of law enforcement agencies whose attitudes are still mired in the middle ages ... or at least the nineteenth century. There are certain truths surrounding this assault that do not easily lead to a humorous interpretation. Most of them concern the fact that, on the day she was assaulted, millions of women on this insane planet of ours were also victims of violence. Many more millions, perhaps as many as a couple of billion, are denied their rights, political and human, by governments and religion. That many women are now political leaders, CEOs of major corporations, doctors, lawyers, writers, thinkers ... you name it, merely masks the fact that for most women, "feminism" never happened, nor does it seem likely that it will happen soon. Attempts at "top-down" solutions to the problems ... and if you don't think such things selling women into sexual slavery are problems, you have a problem ... will never work. You cannot legislate what people think ... or, for that matter, what people consider humorous. Change has to come from the bottom ... which will be us. And we don't need harsher laws; we need to create a climate in which women feel comfortable .... maybe that ain't the right word, but I believe you know what I mean ... going to the authorities knowing that their cases will be taken seriously.
Please can we not go back to the 50's and earlier?
I can remember my mother and two aunts discussing a young lass that had been raped, their conclusion with hardly any thought was:-

"Well she must have been asking for it, Out at 7.30 P.M. on her own, what else can she expect?".

Yes, back then the women strangely seemed to blame the woman not the rapist!

Any woman/girl should be able to walk anywhere at any-time without the threat of molestation, but unfortunately it isn't going to happen, some strange folk patrol the whole of the world.
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