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Old 06-02-2005, 15:46   #39
Resident Waffler

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Re: Brain washing the kids

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
I see no conceivable reason why it should it be any different now?
It shouldn't. It should be exactly the same. The current situation is madness. It won't be long before we are the persecuted minority but will anayone defend us? I doubt it.

I think a multicultural society is great. We can all learn new experiences and look at the benefits - we've got some great restaurants here thanks to immigrants from different countries bringing their native cuisine with them. (Sorry, I can only think about food at the mo because I'm being denied a chocolate bar.)

Diversity is brilliant but since the introduction of Political Correctness the world seems to have gone totally mad. We can't even enjoy our differences for fear of being branded racist.

I was just commenting to Busman the other day on the subject of some friends where the husband and wife are of different racial origins and their children are various shades of brown. Someone who doesn't know them, on seeing the children for the first time asked me if it is their father or their mother who is black and I had to actually think about it for a few minutes because I know them both so well that it doesn't register with me what colour they are.

Having come here from foreign parts they both have rich differences to share with the rest of us (like some really great recipes ) but it just illustrates that if people integrate into society then the racial origins become less significant and they settle into the way of life here like everyone else.

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