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Old 07-02-2005, 23:06   #1
I am Banned
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anyone thinking of going to disney land..?

read the lawsuits here lol

ive seen tv programs about disney that have mentioned soem of these so they are infact true

also some other good info on disney as well

Most law enforcement people and psychiatrists will tell you that pedophiles will usually put themselves in positions to expand their opportunities. One would think to get a job at a place like Disney you'd be put through some pretty heavy background checks, right? Last word was they don't do ANY. Disney says it'd be too prohibitive, cost-wise. As if Disney doesn't make enough money? A criminal background check, not even counting a mass discount that Disney could probably get, being the Great American Institution it is and all that, runs about $15. Hell, you or I could run one on anyone using Internet services if you want to pay the fee; surely Disney can be bothered.
Doug Rehman has lectured at the FBI and was a senior law enforcement official with the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement, which includes every government agency, local, county and state agency that deals with pedophiles. They teach proactive skills in spotting, finding, profiling and preventing crimes which victimize children. They have trained the staff at places such as Sea World, Universal Studio's Water Park. Disney has declined offers to train their staff

Last edited by chav1; 07-02-2005 at 23:18.
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