Thread: luton town
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Old 03-03-2015, 12:15   #51
Senior Member+

Re: luton town

Originally Posted by yonmon View Post
Dear Aunt Amy,

I know that you don't receive many letters from elderly gentlemen, but as I am beset by a problem regarding the vagaries of Millinery design, manufacture, and presentation, I write to you hoping that you or one of your colleagues at ' Ladies Gazette' will be able to resolve my problem and afford my troubled mind some respite !.
It is just that recently I have, as opposed to my usual habit of wearing Hats and Caps created in the County style by Charles Trwwhit of Savile Row, been seduced by the popular press into
going out to two football matches wearing what I understood to be rather upmarket wooly cap produced, or so the inside label says, by The Karsten Company in San Diego.
Preening myself in the mirror before venturing forth, This sporting headgear really did in my opinion look quite fetching, but then I am given to excessive narcissism at times and so could have been slightly mistaken !.
But I sallied forth and enjoyed the warmth afforded to my tender ears by the comforting of applied merino wool, and as far as I can remember behaved myself at the game in my usually
urbane and reserved manner, and this is where the story really begins !.
It would appear that my darling little woollen cap was not to everyone's liking, oh no !, for two gentlemen who I like to look on as 'friends', have subjected me to open ridicule just for daring to

After a lot of thought I have the solution for your headdress Yonmon....No run of the mill P+ng hat for you like f19....As you have a regal presence I feel the word Royal should be on the badge and to denote your skills on the golf course no better name than Hoylake...and as I know your respect for our humble manager Liverpool...Hence I have a grey and navy blue wool hat with the badge Royal Liverpool Hoylake...I hope this meets with your approval and you will be presented with it at the game tonight.
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