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Old 15-05-2015, 21:23   #1
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The joys of cycling


The sun is shining and this morning on my way in to work I’m behind Bradley Wiggins.

There he is in his fluorescent pink and green lycra, spanking new shiny racing helmet riding down the road.

Being a reasonable guy, I slow up behind him for a few minutes giving him ample room so he doesn’t feel threatened, wait for my moment and overtake giving him a wide berth.

Come to a junction and he undercuts me, bumps onto the pavement, swerves across the road through some standing traffic and gets in front of me again.

Patient to the end, I suck in my breath, cross the junction and end up behind him once again, slowed to a crawl as he pumps up the hill, finally a gap in oncoming traffic I get past him.

Temporary traffic lights on red so being an adherent of the highway code and the laws of the land I stop.

While I’m waiting I clock Bradley snaking through the cars behind me, he passes me on the inside, bumps onto the pavement once again, ignores the lights and crosses the junction via the pedestrian crossing point and island.
Once again I’m behind him, slowed to a crawl, where I remained until we parted company a couple of junctions later.

Now I’m ok with cyclists having the right to use the road, I’m fine with people who want to be healthy and fit, I’m fine with people who can’t afford the bus and use a cycle….In fact I’m fine with cyclists who follow the highway code

What I’m not fine with is cyclists who think that the rules don’t apply to them, with cyclists who don’t keep their position in standing traffic preferring to wend and weave through vehicles waiting at lights, cyclists who undertake, use the pavement and pedestrian crossing points and who cause tailbacks during rush hour because of their selfishness, stupidity and ignorance!
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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