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Old 11-08-2015, 12:38   #3
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Re: Are some 'milking it'?

If they are able to organise themselves enough to put their animals through the stress of a supermarket visit, surely they can collectively impose a moratorium on the sale of milk to supermarkets?

The supermarket would either have to cave in, buy from an alternative farmer, or import. Only the middle option keeps milk cheap, and if the supermarket is able to find a supplier, it means that it must be possible for a supplier to profit from cheap milk.

I've worked in two industries where the customer was only willing to pay an amount lower than the break-even point. In both cases, the business shut down.

While the farmers have my sympathy, there are plenty of other people with the same problem so they shouldn't get any preferential treatment beyond the EU subsidies and tax-free fuel they already get.

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