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Old 16-02-2005, 13:32   #67
I am Banned


Re: Camilla - Charles

Lets put things in perspective here, Is Charlie doing anything that another normal person does ?? OK not gone about it totally right n no im not a Royalist, but he's human like the rest of us least we all know now that royalty are not much better really. How many have divorced then re-married or living with someone in oo-err sin lol whatever circumstances a bet quite a few in same boat as Charlie eh? How many kids in this country are in step - parent families....lots? .... n nobody makes a huge fuss as long as they are happy n doing things for right reasons then what the heck!

So why is it diff for Charlie?? least at last he's gonna marry the woman he's been with secretly for sooo long ok she aint a patch on Diana for looks n heart. But least he is marrying her for right reasons well hope he learnt lol, even at the expense of his mummy dear. When Charlie n Diana married i think it was forced n they were no way ready also being young n naive they learnt the hard way like the rest of us do. Those young lads will never forget their mother n Diana did well in raising em to be humans than royal robots, she was a good mother n patron to this country n ppl wont forget that, so why prolong things further n let Charlie get on with it n all the best to him cos he'll need it lol n braver than me i dont think i could imagine to walk down the isle again...cept for me furneral lol

Take away the big mansion, taxfree money etc n you'll find the Royal's absolutely no different to any family in the country at the mo.
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