Thread: Toothache
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Old 24-01-2016, 18:21   #1
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Have you ever suffered from toothache? The mere mention of the word can make folk cringe,its said to be one of the worst pains imaginable- I can now confirm this.
Last week (Mon-Tues) I developed a severe pain in one of my molars,the pain radiated through my cheekbone,and was also causing me earache (a worthy contender for the worst pain ever).
I took a ibuprofen (400mg) and a paracetamol (200mg),I also gargled with a little bit of TCP,but the pain was persistent in giving me grief.
By Thursday my face had swollen up and i was feeling a little feverous.Fearing infection,I went to the quacks and got a course of antibiotics (amoxicillin).
The pain just kept getting worse but I suffer from a fear of dentists so i 'stupidly' dismissed the I needed to get it extracted.
Over the next couple of days I tried dealing with the relentless pain using a arsenal of relief treatments.Everything from oil of cloves and rinsing with warm salty water to tramadol when the unremitting pain got too much to bare.
By Saturday, I was in total agony so needing urgent treatment Mrs E arranged for me to see a (emergency?) dentist up at oak house.
I'll be honest,my sphincter was twitching,I really don't like going to see the dentist even if their not the drill and fill type of yesteryear.
I'm pleased to say that the staff up there were excellent and before I knew it I was minus a tooth and pain free....god bless the NHS the saviour of our nation's health .
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