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Old 05-03-2016, 21:04   #23
Phil Whalley
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Re: Don's Match Thread

Exile has it spot on, a very close and hard-fought contest with neither side giving an inch. Having seen those Wimbledon forwards make hay at our place, I was wondering how we would cope, but the surface was poor and made pass and move difficult. I thought we played the better football of the two sides, always looking to get it down and find the wings. Our set-pieces were generally poor, though, and when either Piero or Sean Mc did box it, there was always a Wimbledon head there. I can't recall us having a headed effort on goal. A pity we couldn't have found a way to run at them from more central positions, though the conditions made that a tough ask. Really hard lines for Etheridge, neither of the officials were in a position to make that call, and an even tougher decision to swallow for Billy. A special mention to Tom and Matty who were excellent throughout in central defence and gave Elliot and Taylor barely a sniff, and then stood up to the barging and elbowing that passes for Akinfenwa's game these days. A proper battle and a moral victory for the Reds.
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