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Old 24-03-2016, 21:21   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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It's Ten O'clock at night for God's sake!

At the moment of writing this the time is correct, I have just switched to a programme called Family Guy I enjoy both this and a sister programme called Family Guy.

Both of these are animations that are close to the knuckle with their humour.

Before each episode of these prog's an announcer tells us 'THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMME CONTAINS ADULT HUMOUR'.

I know this I've seen what they have done before and sometimes the progs will be on until 2 or later at night. always with the above warning.


An adult prog is on when there should only be adults up and about, surely?

If an adult is allowing a child to be up at this time two thoughts cross my mind.

1/ The adult doesn't care less and will let a child watch anything.

2/ The adult isn't present and the unsupervised child is hardly likely to think to itself, 'Oh dear I'd better not watch this then'.

So, is there any point in announcing, 'THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMME CONTAINS ADULT HUMOUR'? Anyone irresponsible doesn't care and anyone responsible has already tucked the little ones in to bed with a hot water bottle and a cup of Horlicks in plenty of time for themselves to enjoy Adult humour.
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