Thread: Windows 10
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Old 07-06-2016, 17:56   #136
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Re: Windows 10

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
good for you Rob.....whatever floats your boat.
My desk top is used for my crafting. I design my cards, edit some of them and do a little bit of printing.
when you talk about the Windows 10 tiles(i hate them) you said you junked them...that is because you know how to do this.
Getting that tiled start up screen would do my box in( I am getting far more intolerant of the things I do not like).
I WANT a START menu and then my comfortable desk is my security blanket...take it off me and I howl like a baby.
I know you are laughing at this because it is ludicrous...I know it is ludicrous, but I cannot help myself.
Why do they have to change things when they aren't broken?
I recently purchased a new pc, it came with win 8 which I defo didn't want, so no alternative but to download 10, initially I thought I had made a mistake as the start screen was the tiles you mentioned. After a few days getting used to it I found you can have a standard desktop by turning off the "tablet" option, you can also toggle between the two by clicking the start button on the taskbar. So now having used it for a while I find it is not all that different from win 7 and wonder what all the kerfuffle was about its launch.
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