Thread: Labour Party
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Old 20-07-2016, 14:21   #224
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Less View Post
If I can use Liverpool in the sixties as an example you will see that we threw away nothing our communities were deliberately destroyed by politics.
I had relatives about four families all lived in or around Lowther St. Liverpool8 they were as Margaret described in each others pockets (typical scousers).

When the Council of the day decided to clear the Victorian houses and put the people into high rise flats, they deliberately split up the community, moving relatives sometimes as much as 3 miles away from each other, neighbours were also split apart, elderly relatives suddenly found themselves surrounded by strangers and with no-one to look after their day to day needs. There was no appeal system you couldn't be moved into the same block of flats as brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, aunts or uncles you went were you were put because no doubt 95% of you don't know what's good for you, so shut up and do as you are told.

This didn't just happen in Liverpool it happened nationwide wherever there was slum clearance. Our communities weren't thrown away they were stolen by uncaring misguided politicians.
Less that reflects my Grandma's situation almost exactly. she lived in a one up and one down in Sheffield. There were about 8 other similar houses all attached to a communal courtyard with a wash house and toilets. Those families all looked out for each other. When my gran was going away she used to go and tell someone so they knew she was not at home..if they did not see her for more than a day...they used to go round to check she was alright.
This courtyard was knocked down to make way for a new road system...Gran was moved into a block of flats....not a ground floor flat, but six floors up. She knew no-one and no-one was there to check up on her.
Without her friends she just sort of faded away.
So yes, politicians did negatively impact the communities that they were supposed to be reperesenting.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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