Thread: Black Friday?
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Old 17-11-2016, 19:02   #5
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Black Friday?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Nope, don't do Black Friday.
I am always a bit suspicious about such deals and will check to see if what I am looking for is better value elsewhere.
I can't say I have ever bought anything just because it was cheap...or on offer.
I would only buy if it was something I needed or wanted to have.
I've often bought things because they were cheap, but only if it fits in with my needs.

I have missed out on many a bargain because at that moment I just didn't need it.

So did I miss out? I still had my money to buy some other bargain that was just around the corner that was most useful.

By most useful I mean, a bit of emergency cash so that if my washing machine for example went tits up, I would have the cash to search for a bargain.

It's only a bargain if it replaces something useful/needed/wanted at a price lower than the prices offered for similar products on the high street.

These days we don't have a high street, but we do have Google 365/24/7 if you can't find a bargain you haven't switched your computer on.
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