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Old 31-12-2016, 18:06   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Looks Like The 'H' 'as Become Silent?

I'm talking about T.V. CHANNEL5.

I first noticed it a few days ago as I drifted through what was on offer on the box, instead of pronouncing it 'Channel', the guy said 'Canal'!

I had two thoughts,

1/ I've tuned in to a French or Belgium 'Canal' by mistake.


2/ As much as the guy sounds as if to be pronouncing the rest of his words in English, for some strange reason Channel now needs to be pronounced without the 'H'.

I checked, I went to the index and sure enough it showed Channel5 with a 'H', are we seeing an individual that can't pronounce his 'H' or is this an EU ploy to force us to remain part of the continent?

Oh s'it, how many other word will lose their 'H' if this is allowed to continue?
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