Thread: Smart Meters
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Old 03-08-2017, 06:58   #61
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Smart Meters

I had a phone call yesterday from my energy supplier to try to induce me into having one of these meters.
When I politely, but firmly declined the lady told me that the government was going to make them compulsory by 2020.

'Are you sure about that?' I asked her.
Well, she hummed and aahed for a couple of minutes and said that this was what she had been told to tell me.
Wasn't it a good job I had been reading an article in the Daily Telegraph.
One which said that the uptake of these monitors has been 'disappointing' much so that the government has changed its stance to say that every household will be 'offered' a smart meter by 2020...there were no plans to make them compulsory.
I told her that she was using misleading information to try to get people to take one of these.
I asked her to remove me from the calling list AND the mailing I guess I will get another phone call, oh....sometime next week!
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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