Thread: Sports Hub!
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Old 27-09-2017, 12:39   #152
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Re: Sports Hub!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Labour,UKIP. Independant, says it all about that piece of crap, he changes party to what happens to suit at the time, i wasn't even aware he was back with Labour? he switches that often, in fact i will be amazed if they accepted him back.
They have not accepted him back. He has just agitated an issue for his own personal political platform. I can't understand why anyone would vote for him in any party. He has not told the whole story on the hub issue. I am not affected either way so I have no axe to grind. I do believe people need to be fully aware of all the facts before any decision can be made. I questioned whee the money was coming from and Sport England was the answer. So if it is a betterment of facilities then perhaps it needs closer examination. On the issue of the fencing I was assured that it was there to stop dog fouling in the pitch area. I can understand that, I was also told the land would not be sold off and it would be free access to people. As I say I don't live there so I won't be involved in any way shape or form. Simply tell people the whole story and then let them make the decision. I am with Cashy on this Malcom Pritchard opportunist. Ignore him and ask the people who do have the facts.
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