Thread: Organ Donation
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Old 12-12-2017, 10:18   #1
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Organ Donation

What are your views regarding the proposals to change the law over Organ Donation?
The current situation is that you opt in if you want to donate your organs after your death.
This will change so that your organs maybe harvested unless you have opted out of organ donation.

Now, I have carried a donor card for as long as I can remember, but if this becomes law, then I will opt out.
Why? I hear you ask.
Well it implies that my human remains belong to the state...I dislike this it is the principle.

This is a contentious issue and I know that the discussion with relatives of deceased persons is a difficult one...and often comes at a particularly difficult time.
I also appreciate that there are not enough organ donations, but I feel that this is not the way to tackle is the way forward.

I have, throughout my life, tried to make a positive difference...through choice.
I think this removes my choice and the government will rely on inertia...the laziness of people will solve the problem for them.
So you may say that my choice is still there...and in a sense it is.
( I will use it, but many will put off making the choice actively)
I am perverse I know, but the government should NOT assume consent.
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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