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Old 31-03-2018, 13:37   #23
Full Member

Re: If you could Teleport to anywhere....

my next choice is the summer of 1976, this was the year that the UK had the highest temperatures on record, it was really hot.
We decided to have two weeks doing bed and breakfast, heading for Devon and Cornwall, I wanted to see Land's End.
We stopped at St. Ives just for the day, know I hate walking too far, I would take the car for the toilet if I could, only joking...St. Ives is really steep, we walked up this street, I complained all the time, then stopped at a pub for something to eat and a drink, this pub was heaving, they were a lot of Irish folk all having a good time, we must have been in there about an hour, when all of a sudden there was a loud BANG, next thing women are screaming, hiding under the tables, it was only when this guy tried to shout over all the commotion to tell everyone, it was a signal for the LIFEBOAT. The Irish crowd thought it was a BOMB, I know I should'nt but I did laugh, one Irish guy was so happy to be alive he offered to buy everyone a drink...

Next was Hastings...We were late trying to find somewhere, knocked on this Victorian style house, it was coming in dark, an elderly women opened the door, she had spaces, spent the night there, it was fine. Next morning down for breakfast, it looked like we were the only one's there, she came across to tell us what the breakfast was, and that she had made all the jams and marmalade herself, quess what she had a dripping nose, no breakfast for Bea...Oh and by the way she was really nice.

Land's End was a total disappointment, but we did go shopping in Penzance, but this is another story
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