Thread: US gun laws
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Old 09-04-2018, 14:59   #13
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: US gun laws

In school shootings the perpetrator seems to feel that they are victims of some perceived slight, either by teachers or their peers.
The whole thing is due to the way society has progressed(?). It is a societal problem...a way to gain notoriety...fame...but of the wrong kind.

People believe they have rights...and they want to cling onto these in spite of the fact that they may be detrimental to the community as a whole....and those who squeal that their rights are being compromised often do not accept the responsibility that goes with rights.

When young people are mown down in senseless killing sprees, I wonder if one of those who were killed would be the discoverer of a cure for cancer, or whether one of them may have made a vast contribution to peace in the world, or whether they might have come up with the means to feed those who are currently starving in countries across the world.

I know that this wondering is pointless, because it is a question that can never be answered.

How painful it must be to see your child...the centre of your universe,cut down before they have had a chance of any kind of life.

I wonder if those in the hierarchy of the NRA ever think about these things....contemplate what the loss of a child means and how it affects the whole of your life.

And all of these may seem trite and cliched, but that is my response to the situation with guns.
Guns are the only answer to a if all guns were removed and only the police allowed to carry them...and then only in certain situations....would it make a difference?
I don't know if it would...those who have money will always be able to buy what they want....and legal or illegal...a gun still robs the community of life.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 09-04-2018 at 15:03.
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