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Old 09-05-2018, 14:44   #11
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Did anyone EVER give you 10 thousand pounds?

Well I can't imagine where such an amount of money would come from (probably add it to national borrowing after all, it would only be a small amount compared to what each successive government keeps adding).
The whole idea is however DOOMED ( DOOMED I TELL YE)
O.K. we have the ner'do well infant 25 year olds that would straight away **** it against the wall, but fortunately the majority of 25 year olds would want to use it to improve their lot perhaps by getting a first mortgage?
All power to their elbow it's what we struggled for way back when.
What would be the first thing to rise? House prices, probably on average by a nice round sum of let's say (and this is only a guess I'm useless at figures), £10,000?

Resulting in many folk of various ages (not just the lucky few that happen to be 25) that have saved for that first step still not being able to afford a first home, but someone with sticky figures and no morals is out there rubbing their hands saying 'bring it on, I could use a little bonus'.
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