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Old 01-01-2019, 11:38   #2203
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Of course you would have had the wines and the experiences. They might have been different wines, different experiences.

You have to remember that way back when the EU was formulated, the world was coming out of a long and bloody conflict.
(The EU was seen as being the solution to future peace. It was also sold to us as a trading organisation....but then that was the plan....draw the suckers in, let them believe this is for economic purposes....but the plan was always to ensure political union at a later date....rule by oligarchy, not democracy)
There was not the disposable income back then, people had simple expectations that matched the finances they had.
But to think that unless we belong to an undemocratic(and it is undemocratic for a reason....and if you have read the Frederick Forsyth piece you will know what that reason is.
If you haven't read it then I would recommend it to you. It will clarify many things)organisation that takes the sovereignty of its members and trashes them, then I am sorry to say I think you are misguided.
Do you think that Spain, France, Greece, Portugal will want to turn away tourists who wish to spend their money in those countries, will turn these visitors away?

Some of these countries economies rely on visitors.
Do you think that Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece will refuse to sell their wine to us....?and if by chance they did there are the New World wines which I am led to believe are more than a match for some European wines.

For me, if it meant that I could never again drink a drop of wine produced in an EU country, or set foot on their would not cause me a moment's distress.

I want to be out...right out, not this Hokey-Cokey half in half out thing that is proposed.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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