Thread: Coronovirus
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Old 11-03-2020, 21:18   #16
Senior Member


Re: Coronovirus

Originally Posted by Lord Didsbury View Post
I feel ever more convinced that lockdown isn’t going to work. China looks to be beating the virus, but as soon as it returns to normal what then?
Do we face months, years of life being **** with the same end result? The more I look at this the more I try to think of myself as a frail 85 year old. How do I want to live my last few years? Not in lockdown, not seeing my children facing financial ruin, not getting bad medical care because everyone is fighting the virus in vain.
Think I’d take my chances and hope that if CV gets me it will still be better than being kept alive in pain with some other disease.
No easy answers.
Lord D, as a relatively healthy 75yr old, like you, I do not wish to live my remaining years in lockdown etc.
For me, the dilemma is... do I still attend Stanley, knowing that there could be one of my fellow supporters that could possibly pass on CV to me?
Or, could I, unwittingly, be an unknown carrier, & pass it on to some other unfortunate colleague?
Would it be selfish to say ‘bo**ox’, I’m going to Whambley, come what may?
Que sera, sera!
What will be, will be!
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