Thread: Corona Virus
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Old 19-03-2020, 05:33   #91
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

My shopping expedition was sort of interesting. Yes, there were lots of empty shelves, more than a week ago, but still plenty of fruit and vegetables, breads, etc. No pasta on the shelves but that good old fruit and veg shop that was selling toilet paper last week was selling packets of the stuff. People were still out and about and enjoying coffee and cake with their friends. Maybe not as many as usual though.

Not being in the panic-buying category I only had a few items on my list and the only product I couldn’t get was washing-up detergent. My friend couldn’t get sugar.

On the way home we called in to a new Aldi shop that has just opened for a look around and there were lots of packets of sugar and a shelf full of the washing-up stuff……

The Premier of South Australia has made the most ridiculous announcement and that is that trading hours will be extended and supermarkets will be allowed to open 24 hours a day….how stupid! What’s the point of extra hours of opening if there’s nothing much on the shelves in the first place.

I often wonder how some people have got to where they have….
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