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Old 05-03-2005, 16:40   #9
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Re: 1500 dead in iraq...

If they were so concern about the humanitarian needs of the population as they claim, then why don't they effect a regime change in Zimbabwae, where tens of thousands of refugees are pouring over the border into Botswana; or in The Sudan where millions are starving and dying due to a nasty insideous government?

Because they know that any aid sent to those countries end up as arms for rebels or in the back pocket of goverment worker or presidents, as for regime change remember who let it go in the first place a certain conservative goverment who didnt have the balls to stand up against any African country for fear of being classed arparthid. If you look at the map of Africa most european countries were involved with spliting it up and carving out empires for themselves and now its all GB s fault and they all hold out there hands and want more. Personally I think Africa is a lost cause so much money funneled in and nothing out except a few millionaires, so far 2 billion dollars has been spent in Africa on Aids and Hiv in the last 5years, enough to open at least 10 specalist clinics in every country in Africa and man them with full staff the actual number of clinics is 10, wheres the money?

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