Thread: Corona Virus
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Old 24-05-2020, 07:35   #458
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Well done to you Less....your community spirit has not gone unnoticed.
Having the vaccine is a personal choice and so it should remain.....but I am not prepared to take something that has not been adequately tested and that is not guaranteed to provide the safety that is expected from a vaccine.
There may not be a vaccine.....SARS was the scare of 2003(ok it did not create a pandemic, but it did kill people) and there is still no effective vaccine for it.
Yes it is personal choice and the talks about it from Government sources are that it won't be compulsory and I agree that it shouldn't be.

However you do keep putting the following anecdotal 'evidence' forward which isn't proof of anything other than that someone wasn't happy in his work.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

Some of the concerns regarding this were told to me by a friend,a biological chemist from Astra Zeneca in the late 1990' fact this clever man who was paid a very healthy salary by that company, left because he could not stomach what was being done by the company...he became a chiropodist...a far cry from his previous job.

I have said it before in this not take things on face value.
Ask questions. think for not swallow what the governments want you to swallow without asking why they are doing this.

FEAR=Control...and control is what all governments want to have over theri citizens.
Yes, fear, it can be used by both sides of the coin to manipulate others to ones own point of view.
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