Thread: Corona Virus
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Old 25-05-2020, 08:45   #463
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Lancashire Police saw a chap paragliding over Pendle Hill and sent him on his way.

Have the police nothing better to do?
Ok, so the man travelled from the Manchester area to Pendle,but honestly...what harm was he doing?
He was over 100 ft in the air, so he could not be accused of contravening social distance rules.
I know that it would be stretching it to call this exercise or 'essential'.....but can the police not employ a bit of rational common sense?

Apparently not.
Have we unwittingly become a fascist state?
I thought that the lockdown was advisory.....not supported by the police should get on with solving crimes.
Just my thoughts.
Well, over the past 24 hours lock down has finished so this guy can paraglide to his hearts content because he followed his instincts to fly free, no laws were broken the police not just in Lancashire but all over the country must refrain from issuing fines for infringements from anyone after all we are in this together and what is good for the goose is good for the gander, thank you Mr. Cummins for freeing us all and just before you go (or stay) could you Pleeeease, open the pubs.
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