Thread: Corona Virus
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Old 28-05-2020, 08:23   #492
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

So, today is the first day of 'track and trace', we are told it's our civic duty, I'm sure like me you don't need to be told that (could it be a veiled threat? do as you are told or...).

What I can't get my head around is that we are expected to give up contact information of anyone we have been near to with Telephone, email etc, however we won't be told the name of the person that gave up our contact details.

I can't see why not, after all, I'm sure they must have given our details in good faith not to get us into trouble but to ensure overall safety, so if we are given the name of that person it is one less for us to put on the list.

Yes sure, the claim will be patient confidentiality but if that person has given away our details what has happened to our patient and private confidentiality?

Plus the new app is not ready yet, not because of technical difficulties but they claim because we aren't considered ready to use it. How patronising! get the app out there to the public we will show that we are ready to use it.
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Last edited by Less; 28-05-2020 at 08:26.
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