Thread: Corona Virus
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Old 19-06-2020, 18:04   #558
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Taddy, you are entitled to your view.

Last weekend there were huge protests in many cities.
There was no social distancing.....and have there been increased incidences in the areas where these actions took place.....Not any that have been reported and believe me they would have been.

The shops opened on Monday....huge queues outside the likes of Primark and Ikea.
So how come all these people feel confident enough to go out and shop(and although attempts at social distancing are being promoted....I can't believe they are being maintained inside just is so impractical).

All these people go out and about...why can't they go to work?
Why can't we get U.K. PLC up on its feet and back in the game?

How long should there be this lockdown?
Until a mythical cure appears, or a vaccine is developed that will confer immunity with no ill effects?
By that time the economic effects will be so advanced and serious....meaning that our children and their children and possibly even their children as well will have had their futures trashed.

Pretty soon there will be no jobs to go back to if the lockdown is not lifted.

Life can never be without risk. Every day we get up we are exposed to a variety of risks.
How we manage the risks is paramount....but when the risk of consequences becomes greater than the risks of going about our daily doings....then something has to be done.

I want to get back to normal...proper normal.....and I would go out and about freely but taking responsibility for my own safety, by my own actions.

That is my reason for signing.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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