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Old 07-03-2005, 07:14   #46
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

To shed a little light on the subject.My first post was a result of an article in the Observer relating to a plan to widen rhyddings street, it was found to be the top section adjacent to the park.
This plan came 6 months or so after PB and his sidekick Cllr W had spent council money on repairing the grass verges, at the same time notices were put up stating " Do not park on the grass" This work was done following consultation with the residents of that section of rhyddings street. Some of the residents wanted the grass verges flagging over so they could park their cars, others did not, they wanted to retain the verges. The net result was that when all residents cars were parked you needed a shoe horn to get through to park lane, making it more inaccessable to emergency vehicles.Myself and several others complained, I even emailed PB about the subject.
Then 6 months down the line, the article in the Observer, council plan to spend £8000 on widening rhyddings street, with Cllr W indicating in that article that " there has been a problem there for years, now residents will be able to park their cars at their own front doors, and emergency vehicles will have better access"
Point, Rhyddings park, the entrance and area leading to (top section of rhyddings st.) is in a conservation area, and as such will require planning permission before any alterations take place, I would assume that Simon had been talking to a planning official, or someone from the council, before making his comment, hence " from the horses mouth"
I hope this explains everything, as yet nothing has been done to alter a dangerous situation for the residents of park lane.

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Albert Einstein.

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