Thread: Corona Virus
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Old 03-12-2020, 08:05   #1378
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

We are all entitled to our own views about the COVID vaccines and so for what it’s worth this is mine.

The speed with which the vaccines are being approved is a real worry to me. If it is normal accepted practice that it takes years from the development stage through to being approved for other vaccines, what is different about the COVID ones that will be distributed for use very soon?

If there have been steps in the development of it that have been rushed through (and given the time frame this must have happened) how can we be sure that everything is as safe as we are told. No-one can guarantee that.

I am not against vaccinations, far from it – I have the flu one every year and recently had the whooping cough one, confident in my mind that these have been well and truly tested. If there are any long-term health risks with the rushed-through COVID vaccines then it will be too late to rectify the damage that has been caused by the time these problems show up.
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