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Old 16-12-2021, 10:06   #1
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Global warming or Human selfishness

I was thinking last night as i often do whilst allowing my brain to wander through the ether...

We all know the world goes through a cyclic ice age to warm and back again over thousands of years and in reality we are coming out of a mini ice age still. Now whether the whole of the warming seen is due to that and its the first time we have had the intelligence and ability to monitor it or if it really is our consumption of fuels and products that generate CO2/Methane/etc is one for another day. What I was thinking is in the past as temperatures rose and areas of the planet became hotter and more inhospitable to the human species around at that time is not the key difference that then they simply migrated over periods to the cooler more livable areas driving our species across the globe? In fact even right down in temperature to the Artic and Antarctic areas where whilst hard you can still live with the right preparation.

Today we seem to be hell bent that people should be able to continue to live in these areas becoming more hostile even if that means death and hardships.

So, is it humans being too big for our 21C boots and thinking we have some divine right to stay where we are or are we just stubborn sods who have forgotten the way the world worked in previous hot periods and should embrace migration? After all the major difference is now we have some imaginary lines drawn in the soil/sand that we now apply rules over who can cross them? Is our greed the simple reason people die in one place when they could move somewhere else. what drives our protectionisms of land that in all respects hardly any of us actually own?

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