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Old 26-03-2005, 23:35   #57
Junior Member+

Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I can't comment on static caravan sites having popped up but to answer the first part the difference between gypsies and new age travellers is that true gypsies are an actual individual race of people otherwise known as Romany. They do not camp on Aldi car park or dump their rubbish all over the place. They have a respect for the countryside. The travellers on the other hand don't seem to respect anyone or anything.

We were talking to a taxi driver a few weeks ago and he had some horror stories to tell of the abuse taxi drivers have been subjected to by travellers.

If they would obey the law, camp on properly designated sites, clean up after themselves and treat other people with a bit less contempt then I'd have no problem with them.

As for the increase in crime over the last 30 years and more I know my Gran never locked her front door and as children we used to go out all day in the summer with a picnic consisting of a bottle of water and a couple of jam butties. Our parents never worried about whether or not we were safe. Not being safe was unheard of.
I did not suggest Accrington was a town full of racist bigots, I am giving my view as an Accy exile on some of the threads/posts made by a few individuals on this site that are politically motivated, giving links to conservative web sites and to the countryside alliance.

Some examples are from the pro-hunting brigade that complain the new laws on hunting are against their human rights because the Muslims are allowed to kill animals before stunning them!(does anyone really give toss?) others say that Asians can park their cars were they like and the wardens/police do nothing because they are afraid to upset the Asian community.. is this the reality?. more complaints about chavs? Gypsies, kids hanging round the center.

members who posts replies that challenge these statements are quickly branded as "do gooders" or "lefties" and bullied into keeping their gobs shut.

I still visit Accrington though not as much as I would like, and will say you have a lot to be proud of. A town that even through the Tory demolition, has adapted and thrived and Accy web gives me an insight into how my old town is getting on, but I would say that any "outsider" visiting this site would be wary of the content
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