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Old 06-04-2005, 12:59   #54
Resident Waffler

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Re: Guilty of fly tipping

It's alternate weeks here in Willows Lane and we've got a dilemma coming up in May when we'll be away for 2 weeks. My bin was emptied this morning and the contents must have been a bit heavy. The bin men reacted to that by throwing the empty bin back into the yard where it landed on its side. (Photo to follow)

I had excess rubbish which I didn't put into the bin or out with the bin since receiving the letter telling me they won't take extra bin bags. I still have that rubbish and I'm going to have to take it to the tip myself. It's barmy. It still ends up at the tip anyway so why can't they take it? If I wasn't supposed to take it to the tip what else am I supposed to do with it? It isn't recyclable. It's rubbish. I recycle everything I can possibly recycle, including things they don't collect so what am I supposed to do with the rest when it won't fit in my bin?

To add insult to injury have you seen the pics Busman posted of the black bin bags down his back alley which the bin men REMOVED this morning when emptying wheelie bins? What have they got that the rest of us haven't? Humph!

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