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Old 22-04-2005, 20:02   #38
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Can a leopard change its spots?

Which Labour Liar was it that took us to war in Iraq........let me think......oh yes it was Tony Blair.
How can we trust the politicians when they obviously do not listen to the electorate.......and forgive me for saying this but aren't we the ones who pay these people.....?

Violent crime is down..........or so our esteemed Pm tells us......but yet daily we hear of violent attacks on people who are doing no more than going about their daily business.

Tony told us he was going to be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime......they tell us that lots of the crime is fuelled by binge what do the government do but change the law so that pubs can be open for 24/7.

And you think I want more of this.......?

I haven't the foggiest who I will vote for.........but I do not think it will be Labour.

As I said in an earlier post......choosing a party to vote for is like deciding whether I want to be shot or poisoned...... the outcome is the same!

Whoever I vote for will not listen to what I want.
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