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Old 22-04-2005, 21:53   #45
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Re: Can a leopard change its spots?

I have a couple of ideas to save money - stop Social Fund loans would be a start.

Pay benefits for 6 months only, as in America.

Means-test free healthcare. As far as I know, most (if not all) Western Countries have to pay. It may sound extreme at the moment, but in these countries it is normal. That would raise a lot of revenue, which would go some way towards providing half-decent state pensions.

On a side note; if anyone is considering paying £50 per month towards a pension, you may as well not bother, unless you are 5 or less. Get a good financial adviser, who will be able to give you a much better idea of what you need to pay towards your retirement to make it worthwhile.

I have seen too many people who say that they saved for a pension and complain that it is not enough to live on, when they have not paid enough into it in the first place.

And that's not a dig at anyone, that is speaking from experience.
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