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Old 26-04-2005, 15:34   #119


Re: Close Encounters of the ghostly kind?

I take it that this was 17th May last year Mik? I don’t think anybody should laugh at you experience other than the vision of a big Englander rolling over a German on a push bike, I must admit I’m p***ing myself every time I think about it. You’ll have to forgive me for that but my sense of humour allows me to see the event in vivid colour without having the full details. However, I hope that you have fully recovered from the unpleasantness and pain of your accident Mik.

I’ve had two experiences of this kind the first is a little vague so I’ll pass on that one. The second isn’t quite the same as you went through but here goes. I was led in bed one night about 12 years ago; I was just hovering between being awake and sleeping. I had thought of getting up and having a drink and then the terrors came……….

This is something I have always suffered from as long as I can remember, even up to the age of ten or eleven I hated being alone at night because of them, but it wasn’t until the age of twenty two that I could remember these events clearly……… I digress,

I was led in bed and they came, it was the third that week and I was tired of fighting back. I felt the tingle in my spine has they started to take me over. Suddenly my legs and arms became ridged and slowly, very slowly I became paralysed. This is normal and although it’s something you get use to and come to expect, it’s still very frightening. Then………I lost my temper and challenged them, I demand that they leave me or take me. Then I demanded that they take me. Big f***ing mistake “and I make no apology for my language”.

All hell let loose. I was pushed back in to the mattress; my heart was thumping in my chest and I could hear myself whimpering, then like a big explosion I was thrown back again, my chest pushing forward arching my back, my arms and legs held down by some over powering force. The room was filled with a bright white light, even though it was after midnight and quite dark. I closed my eyes but I could still see the whiteness of the light, I could hear the blood being pushed through the veins of my brain, everything around me seemed distant. Now I was praying like f***, I couldn’t open my mouth, my lips where barely moving the skin on my face grew tighter and tighter I was losing this one, I knew, deep within me I could die…………I fought back for what seemed like ages, but it was only seconds, I was chanting, calling on my protector, calling for the light to protect me and to guide me back to where it was safe. Then it was gone.

I was frightened and full of fear, I was wet and dazed. I rolled over on to my side and breathed in deeply, and then again I felt a tingle in my spine, then nothing. I must have slept for a few hours and then I awoke to the sensation that I wasn’t alone. The tingle came again, but this time it was different, It was warm, unthreatening……….I felt contact on my body, gently, but firmly push against my shoulder and hip, has you would expect someone would do in a form of blessing. I felt calm, serene and at rest. It was over………

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -

Last edited by Doug; 26-04-2005 at 15:37.
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