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Old 10-05-2005, 16:53   #21
Graham Jones
I am Banned

Re: Panopticon gets red light

First time I read it I thought it was the green light, then PB said it was the red light for the rings. When asked if it was a red light for the Panopticon he said "it was clear if you read the report". Reading it again it is vague yet it is clear that a compromise is coming. The fact that no no no means a landmark structure behind Peel Monument.

Knowing several cabinet members are in favour it is understandble the report can be read both ways as everyone is fishing for a compromise soon [ie before funding is lost].

NWDA funding and REMADE funding is only if there is a Panopticon [or a Panopticon called something else] and these are refered to as outside funders and part of the £350k in the report.

REMADE is the whole of Arden Hall & The whole of Huncoat side of the coppice but not the top of the coppice. The Forrestry Commission monies is a FoAH project, not the Council, and is £120,000 for the forrestry areas and must be match funded, and has not been applied for yet. Match funding £120,000 will be hard work. The Hritage Lottery is mentioned but that is a tough one to get. The £1m HLG for Ryddings Park, the intial application form hasn't been filled in yet!

The map [didn't post that] indicated the new structure will go behind the Peel Monument and also indicated which paths are likely to be upgraded. Again this is a FoAH initiative for the paths which only began in February this year, initially in the woodland area where a tree survery has been undertaken and connecting outward and upward.

Likewise, the nature reserve is again a FoAH objective for the woodland area and that is the only area which has been assessed so far following a FoAH intiative. It is one of 3 sites in Hyndburn though the Council has the final decison. It is thought that this should be extended to include the coppice for size [and publicity], therefore funding and obviously regeneration.

The oak tree seems a reasonable idea and it was suggested by some old lady up Baxenden [according to Cllr Griffiths] who rightly identified the word with Accrington and 11 large oversize acorns for the 11th battalion and hope of a new beginning. Curious to know about materials/rusting. can it be climbed [by vandals not tourists!]? Apart from that I would be happy with that.

Its the 11th hour again and still no one is sure. Isnt it a shame that HBC wasn't more constructive 18 months ago instead of letting things drag. Funding issues remain highly questionable.

The basis [ie no Panopticon] to get funds remains in doubt/non existant. Laision with FoAH have been non-existant - and its groups like this who are often needed to apply for external funding such as the FC £120k. No-one from ELP has been involved and it is still all a bit chaotic. No one has thought how the bins wil be emptied from the top of the coppice.

Still its progress...

Last edited by Graham Jones; 10-05-2005 at 17:05.
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