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Old 13-06-2005, 13:45   #6
Senior Member+

Re: Nanny State Schools

If this actually happened i would actually get to spend more time with my children than i do now because like i said they are at school all day and i go out to work in the evening.

And less having all the children round at my house wouldnt make the slightest bit of difference in my case we have half the street round in our garden since we bought a 14ft trampoline and an 8ft one.

So the moral of the story is that for some people it would be a god send and for others well its not the end of the world there are more pressing matters in the world that need addressing than the government actually trying to help out for a change dont you think?

At least while the children are still at school they are not sat at home playing playstation are they they are actually out there gaining some social skills which COULD help them out in later life.
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