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Old 27-06-2005, 23:59   #19
the real michael
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Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?

all it took was a tiny sacrifice from one stupid "suffering get" who decided to throw herself in front of the kings horse, in protest that she was as equal to any man and wanted equal status so now what are you women doing to do eh? mollify every male around? ... you actually think you can outsmart a real man? har har har ... well two x,s never make a y (chromesome) meaning that even if there are a thousand "mummies" around a child, it would never come close to five minutes with his or her real FATHER, for a start, who is most likely to tell the child the truth about the real world instead of filling its head with sick fantasies of a world of equality where decent people can live in peace with the demented...its sssooooooo unholy! im sorry to have to bursts your bubbles ladies but there is only one way you can ever be equal to a man and that is you have to be lucky enough to have been born one... brussells can make as many rules and pass as many laws as they like, but i have it from the highest authority, that in every known universe that contains a life force there is a perfectly natural pecking order whether it be an "evolutionary order" or an "intelligent order" ....this order to the chaos on this island earth has been totally buggered up by your strife for equality which can never be, allow me to be the first to say that war is inevitable, world war... for which no-one in this country is prepared for should it suddenly loom before the appropiate time...too busy embracing sodom and building giant monuments to adulterers while paying for the privelidge of getting your own money from the banks! ...... still lets see what womenkind can do first, the first eve who tempted adam ...or the slut salome who had john the baptists head cut off, to the modern day 6 kid 7 father unmarried trollops who use the children as weapons in order to extract money from all concerned, this planet is one big asylum like a home without a father in it...constant bickering...a blatant disregard for laws and the delusion that we are all equal... well god made man in his image, not woman, so get over it and go and make a brew or summat.......
p.s.margaret thatcher couldnt even be equal after fighting with some argy schoolies and having that operation you can have done at private hospital....whatsit called... oh yeah...a strappadictomy! blessed are the ignorant, for they shall inherit large bills.....
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